20 Rep Squat Program: Build Mass with Squats October 2009The 20 rep squat program is one of the oldest lifting programs there is. It was introduced by John McCallum in 1968 and was originally coined “Squats and Milk” because... read more
Grip Tip: CHALK UP! March 2009Weightlifting chalk is made from magnesium carbonate that has been pounded into a fine powder. It comes in many different forms such as a ball, block, pressed cake, a chalk... read more
Milk: An Easy Way to Build Muscle or a Muscle Building Foe? November 2005Milk is one of the best food sources for any athlete to consume. It’s rich in protein and nutrients such as vitamin A & B, calcium, zinc, and magnesium. Since... read more
Why and How People Use the Zercher Squat January 2005The Zercher squat is quite a nasty squat, and the first question most beginners ask is Why bother with the Zercher squatting technique at all? The reason is that you... read more