Jonathan Hambrick


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My Journey to becoming who I am today had a very rough start. In 2015 I was playing soccer in college at Mercer University. At one of the practices I shattered my knee and tore all the ligaments. The doctors told me that I would never be able to lift or run properly ever again, and that I should just do my best to stay semi active in the few ways that I would be able to. I didn’t take this as an end all be all, I knew that I could write my own destiny. 

I was never in to weight lifting when I was young, it wasn’t until after I recovered from my surgery that I took a liking to feeling strong. I didn’t want to let my knee stop me from being the best version of myself that I could be, so I turned to weightlifting to help me develop my body, and the muscles around my knee to help strengthen it. 

Whilst diving into the lifting lifestyle, I started to see bodybuilders from all categories on my Instagram and immediately fell in love with the look. In early 2018 I decided to do my first classic physique show, and was fortunate enough to win the overall. A week later I did my first national show in classic physique which I also won the overall! 

Now, only a year later, I have 3 pro shows under my belt, a Pro win, and an Olympia qualification. I went from seemingly never being able to lift again, to being an Olympian all because I truly believed in myself regardless of what I was told. I can't wait to see what the future holds for me on my quest to becoming Mr. O ! 

I'm SO glad to have teamed up with Jacked Factory, because they are a company that truly cares about their products and what they are giving to the public. The supplements have helped me grow in such a short period of time, and my recovery has been really optimized! I'm so thankful that Jacked Factory has given me this opportunity to truly LIVE out my dreams!  

Instagram: @kinghambrick